Planning A Move

5 Ways To Make Moving As Stress-Free As Possible For Your Kids

If you're like most people with a cross-country move in your future, you're probably looking forward to getting settled in your new home and community. The move undoubtedly represents a new chapter in your life, such as an exciting new job or the chance to live in a city you've always dreamed of. However, even though moving is generally an overall positive thing in many people's lives, the move itself is highly stressful for most people. After all, packing, getting rid of stuff you don't want or can't take with you, and handling all of the other details involved in moving are far from pleasant pastimes.  Although the idea of moving to a new place appeals to the inherent sense of adventure that many children have, it's also a stressful time for them as well. Fortunately, there are ways to keep the stress to a minimum throughout the moving process. Here's what you can do:

Involve Your Children in the Move

Let your children know about the upcoming move as soon as possible so that they'll have ample time to process it—especially if they're tweens or teens. Hold a family meeting as soon as your plans are solidified, and encourage them to ask questions. This way, they'll feel more involved and engaged in the process rather than feeling that it's just something that's happening to them that they have no control over. Older kids can also help in the purging-and-packing stage of the move, and even preschoolers can help when it comes to deciding what to pack in his or her personal "treasure box" to be taken in the car for the trip to the new house. 

Throw a Goodbye Party

Throwing a neighborhood "goodbye party" can help everyone involved get some closure about leaving behind neighbors, friends, classmates, and, in many cases, extended family members. Be sure to take lots of photographs during the party so that you and your children can look back fondly on your old home at later dates. 

Use Social Media to Familiarize Your Children With the New Neighborhood

Social media can be an excellent resource when moving to a completely unfamiliar community. Even if your children aren't yet old enough to have their own social media account, you can join community groups and "like" applicable pages and share their contents with your children. For instance, your new city's parks and recreation department may have a social media page that displays upcoming activities and events, which can help provide your children with something to look forward to. 

Get Childcare on Moving Day

Even if you've hired a moving company to do all of the lifting and loading on the day of your big move, it's still a good idea to have someone watch the kids when the movers are doing their jobs. The kids won't be in the way if they're happily occupied at someone else's home, and the movers will be able to do their jobs more quickly and efficiently if they aren't having to dodge children. 

Make the First Night in Your Home a Special Occasion

Try to plan out your trip so that you arrive at your destination early enough to be able to enjoy sharing a meal at a local restaurant. Stumbling into your new home at 11 p.m. while everyone's exhausted isn't a positive way to start life in your new home. Decide on a restaurant for dinner before you leave and do your best to keep on schedule so that you don't arrive after it's closed. If you do experience a delay, consider stopping somewhere else around your normal dinner time instead. 

The services of a good professional moving company can help lessen the stress of everyone in the family. You'll have more time and energy to help your children make this transition if you've got a good moving company on your side. To learn more, contact a company like Integrity Moving & Storage LLC.